We are engaged mainly in carrying out various audit assignments, giving tax assistance and general advice on the laws and practices in Ethiopia for private sector entities, non-government organisations and development organisations. These organisations include airlines, oil companies, mining and exploration entities, hotels, flower exporters, banks, leather factories, coffee exporters, international computer companies, a company in the execution and distribution of bio-diesel, importers of motor vehicles and agricultural machinery and NGOs’ and their related projects.

We also deal with work referred to us by KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers and others.

We audit charity organisations such as the Cheshire Homes, Alemachin (Terre des Hommes), S.O.S. Enfants Ethiopie and Compassion International - Ethiopia for free in recognition of their contribution towards the community and society.

Consultancy and advice on taxation and other general financial services
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we conduct our audits and report in accordance with the generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS)
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